The Titans take on the Kansas City Chiefs today in the AFC Championship Game!
To celebrate our hometown team, downtown Nashville is hosting a HUGE watch party on Lower Broadway. Here is everything you need to know:
- The party begins at 11am with activities, live music and more (schedule below)
- The event is free and open to the public
- Two screens will air the game. A screen will be at Broadway near First Avenue and another screen will be at Second Avenue north of Broadway
Event Schedule:
11:15am-12pm – Jason Eskridge performs
12-12:30pm – Appearances by Titans cheerleaders, Blue Crew drumline, and T-Rac
12:30-1:30pm – Sixwire performs
2:05pm – Tennessee Titans vs. Kansas City Chiefs on the big screens
On-Site Food Trucks Include:
- M.L.Rose, Music City Brisket, and Loveless Cafe food trucks will be south of Broadway on 2nd Avenue.
- Boomerang’s Australian Coffee will be there.
- Daddy’s Dogs will be on north of Broadway on 2nd Avenue.
- Beverage stands will be on 2nd Avenue North and 2nd Avenue South.
The watch party is hosted and produced by the Nashville Convention & Visitors Corp in support of the Tennessee Titans. Visit for more information. #TitanUp