Tuesday, January 14, 2025
HomeBusinessThe Goddess Gram Holds Online Grand Opening

The Goddess Gram Holds Online Grand Opening


Nashville-based The Goddess Gram, a fun and inspiring specialized gift basket for the “Goddess” in your life, has opened online.

The Goddess Gram uses a box full of inspiring, elevating, and fun gifts to energetically connect with each Goddess and is put together uniquely for the one receiving it.

Every box has a divine gram written to the receiver about each gift inside. The concept was created after making and giving gifts to encourage friends, family, and each other during quarantine.

Co-creators Taylor and Dawn are on a mission to inspire and elevate other women as they reconnect to their Goddess inside.

Taylor, Founder of the Goddess Gram, is passionate about lifting others thru gift-giving and stated in a release, “The gifts you receive are given with intention and meaning. They point you toward your own inner gifts and personal meaning, tapping into the divine inside you.”

The co-creators of The Goddess Gram are also actively looking for a women’s group in need of a little encouragement. Visit The Goddess Gram online to nominate a Women’s group, send a Goddess Gram to yourself or another Goddess in your life while the celebration lasts.

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Donna Vissman
Donna Vissman
Music fanatic. Event attendee. Prone to fits of large coffee consumption. Always looking for the perfect pair of jeans.
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