Wannado Movember?
Facial Fur. Lip Rug. Lower Brow. Bro-stache. Crumb Catcher. Flavor Savor.
These mustache slang words may make us wanna vomit, but there is nothing like a solid mustache to brighten up our day. We all know that facial hair is a primitive sign of the ability to build tables and other manly stuff (#science). If you have the good fortune of being able to grow a stache’: the time is now, Nashville. Why? It’s Movember, of course!
missing or outdated ad configMovember is a global movement, and it is getting the Nashville treatment. There are so many events designed to build awareness throughout the month of November, culminating in the Nashville Stache Bash at The Listening Room on November 30th! Men can sign up to be Mo Bros (join or donate to the Nashville team here), shaving their facial hair into staches’ that reflect their flair for a good cause – the campaign is designed to raise awareness and funds for cancers that affect men. Our very own Steven Buhrman is representing Wannado and growing a Nash Stache, so stay tuned for the many pictures we’ll be snappin’. You’re obviously going to participate, so now you need some ideas on what stache’ to rock. Well, Wannado is bringing you the best mustaches to
Eat Meat & Chop Down Trees:
The Ron Swanson
Even if you’re “just a little puppy“, you can’t resist the Swanson stache’.
Ron Swanson: the man, the myth, the legend. He likes breakfast food and pretty, dark-haired women. He’s the thinking man’s Ron Burgundy (instead of leather-bound books we’re pretty sure he has shotgun shells and hand-crafted wooden tables). Parks and Recreation‘s staunch libertarian is the epitome of manliness, and he can grow a mustache like nobody’s business. No really, it’s nobody’s business. Especially not the government’s. It’s worth noting that Nick Offerman, the impressive man behind the Ron Swanson mustache, is promoting Movember himself. Check out his video guide to growing a better, huskier stache’.
These are for the dudes who can grow facial hair with ease (no offense to the ones who can’t – and yep, we’re looking at you Biebs, but it’s okay). Keep it luscious, man and shave that stache into basically the top half of a circle. Take Ron Swanson’s advice and use the U.S. Army issued mustache trimmer (try your luck at Friedman’s Army and Navy Surplus at 21st and Blair), because as he puts it: “I won’t publicly endorse a product unless I use it exclusively. My only official recommendations are U.S. Army issued mustache trimmers, Morton’s salt, and the C.R. Lawrence Fein two inch axe-style scraper oscillating knife blade.” Make it work, fellas.
Be The Strong, Silent Type:
The Charlie Chaplin
Because semi-surprisingly, Chaplin was a HIT with the ladies.
Odds are, you’ve heard the name Charlie Chaplin. You may be surprised that he could talk, kids. When he did, he spoke through a neat, compact mustache that made those Broadway babies swoon. That strong personality was wrapped up in a center-aligned stache’ that focused your attention on that iconic face. It even helped him steal the sweetheart of Catcher In The Rye author J.D. Salinger back in the day (and have you seen pictures of him when he was a young guy? Literary swoon!). Not that we’re encouraging you to be Mr. Steal Yo Girl: wear this stache’ with honor, men.
This is one precise stache’. At least on the sides! Get a close shave, and if you don’t trust yourself, head to Uncle Classic Barbershop (there’s a half off deal for Movember participants). Then head to some of the classy, throwback watering holes in town (we’re thinking Patterson House) decked out in your 1920’s finest. You’re rockin’ the silent film star aesthetic, bro. Give yourself some credit.
Get Away With Almost Anything:
The Rhett Butler
Frankly, Clark Gable, we DO give a damn.
That grin. Rhett Butler is the dream of every woman south of Kansas, thanks to his iconic mustache and general dreaminess in Gone With The Wind. He was the black sheep of Charleston, a renegade. Stealing Confederate gold, outbidding the local way-too-old-for-Scarlett men for a dance…the pre-Johnny Depp Johnny Depp, if you will. Even when things went south and he started behaving like a total jerk, that mustache carried his Southern charm through the fire (literally, the house fire). But we know our Nashville gents won’t abuse their power! Frankly, our kindhearted, sensitive, music-loving male population ALWAYS gives a damn, and we love them for it.
It’s all about the styling. If you wear flat-front pants and an all-the-way buttoned up collared shirt with this mustache, it could get a little weird. This works best for the Mo Bros with that Parlor & Juke haircut, rolled up jeans, and that classic southern style. You can find dudes rocking these at places like Holland House, The Catbird Seat…it just takes a dose of class. Keep it classy, Nashville.
Channel Your Inner Quirky Artiste:
The Salvador Dali
You have so many feelings, and you’re gonna get so many weird looks.
Ol’ Sal was a bit of a weirdo. But doesn’t that just make him that much more interesting? The late artist and his stache’ have been getting plenty of attention lately, from being portrayed by everyone’s favorite vampire Robert Pattinson to makeshift supergroup Salvador Dali Parton (who played SIX shows in one day last weekend in Nashville). The dude was pretty cray, and his work was surreal (ha). The French painter did some awesome work during his career, and he did it all whilst rocking that super-adventurous mustache.
This one is for the whimsical. If you’re an all-out Mo Bro (which you should be), this is the stache’ to do when you’re planning on grammin’ a daily picture for your family and friends. What a great story for a great cause, right? Someday, you can sit your kids on your knee and show them your archaic Instagram account and tell them the story of that one time daddy had a weird mustache and got strangers to do double-takes for a month. GO FOR IT, and try your hand at painting. Maybe the stache’ has artistic powers.
Look “VERY NICE!”:
The Borat
Just try not to get arrested. HIGH-FIVE!
The main man of Kazakhstan. If you sport The Borat, we don’t suggest channeling the trouble-maker’s lack of cultural sensitivity. However, if you give this style a go sans the Borat tude’, we think it will be GREAT SUCCESS. Of course, you can still feel like the King Of The Castle every once in a while. Just don’t stalk Pamela Anderson or make your home in a hotel elevator.
We’d say this is the lovechild stache’ of The Hulk Hogan and The Tom Selleck. It’s a thick mustache, so you gotta make sure you can grow a pretty full beard to work with. Keep it long on the sides and let it turn down a bit, but keep that signature, deluded Borat smile. Maybe it will work better for you than it did for him. HIGH-FIVE!
So Nashville, we mustache you a question: Do you Wannado Movember? The answer is yes! Ladies, don’t let the lack of facial hair keep you on the bench – recruit your favorite dudes to get involved and check out Pangea for mustache-themed jewelry/wallets so you can wear your support on your sleeve. Grab Wannado to find the calendar of events for Movember in Orgs & Guides (check out our handy image tutorial below), and we’ll see you at the Nashville Stache Bash, y’all!
– Your local guide.