Tuesday, February 18, 2025
HomeEntertainmentJohn Schneider to Host Three Drive-In Concerts to Tennessee

John Schneider to Host Three Drive-In Concerts to Tennessee


Country artist/actor John Schneider is hosting a series of drive-in concerts, with three stops in Tennessee.

The upcoming events will be live and in -person. In addition, they will offer an exclusive screening of Schneider’s new movie Stand On It!

You have three opportunities to see his concert in the area. Tickets are limited. Find the details below.

November 21st at the Birdsong Drive-In in Camden, TN – https://www.etix.com/ticket/p/6292345/birdsong-drive-in-concert-and-movie-livingston-drive-ins-maven-ent

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November 28th at the Montana Drive-In in Tullahoma, TN – https://www.etix.com/ticket/p/5118484/montana-drivein-concert-and-movie-livingston-drive-ins-maven-ent

December 5th at the Sparta Drive-In in Sparta, TN – https://www.etix.com/ticket/p/7728949/sparta-drive-in-concert-and-movie-livingston-drive-ins-maven-ent

Donna Vissman
Donna Vissman
Music fanatic. Event attendee. Prone to fits of large coffee consumption. Always looking for the perfect pair of jeans.
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