Thursday, January 23, 2025
HomeEventsOutdoor Ice Rink Opening on Broadway

Outdoor Ice Rink Opening on Broadway


In celebration of Hockey Day in America, the Nashville Predators is opening an outdoor ice skating rink on the plaza at Bridgestone Arena on Saturday, Feb 1. The rink is open Feb 1 through Feb 23. A grand opening event will take place at 4pm on Feb 1. The cost is $10 for a 75-minute skating session. Cost includes skates.

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Find the complete skating schedule on the Nashville Predators website here. 

Hockey Day is officially celebrated on Feb. 16. NBC will air a day devoted to hockey and broadcast the Nashville Predators game that evening.

More announcements about other events taking place on Feb 16 are forthcoming.

Donna Vissman
Donna Vissman
Music fanatic. Event attendee. Prone to fits of large coffee consumption. Always looking for the perfect pair of jeans.
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