Tuesday, February 18, 2025
HomeEventsTPAC to Livestream Discussion on 19th Amendment

TPAC to Livestream Discussion on 19th Amendment


The nonprofit Tennessee Performing Arts Center (TPAC) will host a virtual look-in and panelist discussion on the 19th Amendment as artist Marilyn Artus completes her nationwide travel and art project, Her Flag, at War Memorial Auditorium on Aug. 18.

Artus, an Oklahoma City-based mixed-media artist and activist, began traveling in June 2019 to commemorate the amendment’s 100th Anniversary and the decades long fight that won voting rights for women in the U.S.

In collaboration with a woman artist from each of the 36 states to secure ratification, Artus has turned artwork inspired by the anniversary into stripes she sews onto what will be an 18 feet by 26 feet flag.

Artus traveled more than 20,000 miles and made it to Oregon, the 25th state to ratify the amendment, before she had to stop due to the coronavirus pandemic. Since, she has livestreamed the sewing of each stripe from her home in Oklahoma.

As Artus continues the project in War Memorial Auditorium, near the State Capitol where a historic tie-breaking vote made Tennessee the final and deciding state for ratification, TPAC’s Kristin Horsley will lead a panel discussion about the long fight for women’s voting rights and where it stands 100 years later.

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Participants will look-in on Artus via Zoom as Horsley is joined by Debbie Gould (League of Women’s Voters of Nashville), Andrea Blackman (Special Collections, Nashville Public Library), Rebecca Price (Chick History), and Tennessee artist Higgins Bond to celebrate the completion and final reveal of Artus’ project.

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