Update: June 15
Nashville Mayor John cooper announced Nashville will remain in Phase 2 of the “Roadmap to Reopening Nashville.” for at least a few days more.
Metro Public Health Department officials announced today a total number of 7,173 confirmed cases of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Nashville/Davidson County.
There have been no new probable cases reported in the past 24 hours.
Probable cases refer to those that do not test positive in a diagnostic test but might have tested positive in a different form of test like an antibody or serologic test. Probable cases also could refer to cases that were never tested but exhibited the factors consistent with a COVID-19 infection, like symptoms and close contacts of confirmed cases.
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The cases range in age from 1 month to 100 years.
There have been no new probable deaths in the past 24 hours.
When the health care provider signs the death certificate determined COVID-19 disease was the cause of death or a significant condition contributing to death, this person meets the probable case criteria and would be considered a probable death.
A total of eighty (80) people in Davidson County have died after a confirmed case of COVID-19. Including both confirmed and probable cases, 83 deaths have been attributed to COVID-19.
5,498 individuals have recovered from the virus.
Available hospital beds: 29 percent
Available ICU beds: 30 percent
The MPHD COVID-19 Hotline received 32 calls on Sunday, June 14, 2020.
Total number of probable and confirmed cases: 7,185
Cases reported in the past 24 hours: 300
Update: June 11
Nashville Mayor John Cooper announced Nashville will remain in Phase 2 of the “Roadmap to Reopening Nashville.”
“As of today, the majority of our public health metrics are satisfactory. But our 14-day new case average remains slightly elevated, prompting us to stay in Phase Two of our Roadmap for Reopening Nashville. The level of cases in Southeast Nashville warrants further attention, and I have instructed the Metro Public Health Department to concentrate its efforts there. We will continue with Phase Two while carefully observing our public health data every day.”
Metro Public Health Department officials announced June 11 a total number of 6,627 confirmed cases of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Nashville/Davidson County, an increase of 56 in the past 24 hours.
The confirmed cases range in age from 1 month to 100 years.
One additional death was reported in Davidson County, a 46-year old male with underlying health conditions.
A total of eighty (80) people have died after a confirmed case of COVID-19. 5,110 individuals have recovered from the virus.
Available hospital beds: 22 percent
Available ICU beds: 23 percent
The MPHD COVID-19 Hotline received 145 calls on Tuesday, June 10, 2020.
Total number of cases: 6,627
Cases reported in the past 24 hours: 56
Update: June 8
During Mayor Cooper’s June 8 press conference, he announced Nashville will remain in Phase 2 of the “Roadmap to Reopening Nashville” as the 14 day average of new cases is slightly elevated.
Metro Public Health Department officials announced June 8 a total number of 6,228 confirmed cases of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Nashville/Davidson County, an increase of 72 in the past 24 hours.
The confirmed cases range in age from 1 month to 100 years.
A total of seventy-two (72) people have died after a confirmed case of COVID-19. 4,741 individuals have recovered from the virus.
Available hospital beds: 31 percent
Available ICU beds: 29 percent
The MPHD COVID-19 Hotline received 27 calls on Sunday, June 7, 2020.
Total number of cases: 6,228
Cases reported in the past 24 hours: 72
Original Story, published June 4
Due to an uptick in cases in Davidson County, Nashville Mayor John Cooper announced, on June 4, that Davidson County will stay in Phase 2 of the “Roadmap to Reopening Nashville” for a little bit longer. A decision about entering Phase 3 will be made next week, said Dr. Alex Jahangir, Nashville Coronavirus Task Force Chair.
“Today’s COVID-19 case count is relatively lower than the past few days, but our 14-day case average is showing a slight upward trend. Given the recent uptick in case numbers, we need more data to continue making well-informed public health decisions. We will continue Phase Two of the Roadmap for Reopening Nashville while examining our public health benchmarks every day, with a goal of starting Phase Three as soon as it’s safely possible.”
Metro Public Health Department officials announced today (June 4) a total number of 5,831 confirmed cases of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Nashville/Davidson County, an increase of 81 in the past 24 hours.
The confirmed cases range in age from 1 month to 100 years.
An additional death was reported in Davidson County, a 53-year-old woman with underlying health conditions.
A total of sixty-six (66) people have died after a confirmed case of COVID-19. 4,448 individuals have recovered from the virus.
Davidson County began Phase 2 on May 25. To read the Phase 2 guidelines, click here.
The Roadmap for Reopening Nashville was created in cooperation with public health officials, business leaders, and community leaders to ensure that our community takes a measured approach in safely getting Nashvillians back to work. “Our framework to restart Nashville’s economy is rooted in data, not dates, and involves four distinct phases with clear metrics for returning all of Davidson County to business as usual in stages, as well as built-in triggers to revert to earlier phases to protect public health as necessary,” states asafenashville.org.