Pixel Planet Arcade, a new family-friendly arcade opening at 7240 Nolensville Pike in Nolensville, will open on November 14th, with the grand opening held from noon until 10 pm. Admission is $15 to play all day. Kids under 3 are free.
missing or outdated ad configPixel Planet Arcade is owned by David and Julia Corrigan, who previously hosted the Grand Ole Gameroom Expo, a large video convention. The had to cancel 2020’s event due to COVID.
“We were looking for a good space outside of Nashville that would support a family-friendly arcade that wasn’t focused on being a bar. We had looked for locations in Middle Tennessee for the past two years and hadn’t found the right spot yet. We live close to Nolensville and eat there often. When we saw there was a space for lease in the Nolensville Town Center we decided this was the right place” stated Corrigan.
The arcade will feature over 50 games, including new ones and classics.
“The arcade will have between 50-60 games. They are a mix of old and new games. Classic games like Galaga and Ms Pac-Man are there. Four player games like The Simpsons, X-Men, and NFL Blitz. We have driving Games like Daytona USA and Hydro Thunder. There are also pinball machines that span many years. I have a Bally Space Invaders form 1980 there and a new Stern Star Wars Pinball that was released only a few years ago. There are also many ticket redemption games like Skeeball, Deal or No Deal, and Hoop Fever. Tickets can be redeemed for prizes,” stated Corrigan.
The arcade will be paid entry with all of the games free including ticket games, making it unlimited play for the day. You can even leave and come back and play the same day.
In addition, they will have a party room which can be reserved for up to 20 people. When not in use for parties, the room will be utilized for console games like Mario Kart, Super Smash Brothers, and more.
For the latest updates follow Pixel Planet Arcade on Facebook.