Saturday, January 18, 2025
HomeEventsArts & CultureTom Hiddleston & Tilda Swinton Are At Belcourt (In A Vampire Movie)

Tom Hiddleston & Tilda Swinton Are At Belcourt (In A Vampire Movie)


If Tom Hiddleston & Tilda Swinton are the Only Lovers Left Alive…we’re kind of okay with it.

These two statuesque British thespians are talented and gorgeous and they’re playing…*wait for it*….VAMPIRES. In the midst of hyped blockbuster vampire movies, Only Lovers Left Alive is a thoughtful take on the nature of change within a love story and the individuals that are a part of that story. Sounds like a winner, right? Well, lucky for us, Belcourt is currently showing the film! Watch the trailer below and head to our favorite independent theater for a movie day, y’all!

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