Tuesday, February 18, 2025
HomeBusinessTruck Crashes Into Zanies Comedy Club

Truck Crashes Into Zanies Comedy Club


Zanies Comedy Club on 8th Avenue is wishing for a new wall for Christmas.

They suffered damage to the side of their building when a truck lost control and took out part of the wall.

Via Instagram, they stated, “What day, what a mess!! Keep the captions coming, they’ve been getting us through! We’re thankful that no one was injured. Repairs are already underway and we’ll be bringing the laughter back very soon!”

Some of the responses to the news include now you can have a drive-in comedy club, finally, you can be COVID-friendly with outdoor space.

One of the best responses was a throwback to a Mr. Kool Aid commercial –  Mr. Kool Aid has zero chill.

For the latest updates, visit Zanies Nashville on Instagram. Zanies is located at 2025 8th Ave S, Nashville, TN 37204.


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Donna Vissman
Donna Vissman
Music fanatic. Event attendee. Prone to fits of large coffee consumption. Always looking for the perfect pair of jeans.
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