Tuesday, February 18, 2025
HomeEventsMusic & EntertainmentWanna Tell Us Your Friday Favorite, Nashville?

Wanna Tell Us Your Friday Favorite, Nashville?


Trendy white tresses and boys in plaid jackets

When we write songs for Faith Hill and she just says “track it”

How our weather is perfect for one week in spring

These are a few of our favorite things

Cream colored Warby’s and Thai Phooket’s noodles

The “old stuff” from Sleigh Bells and mosh pits so brutal

Wild Cubs that play with their hearts on their sleeve

These are a few of our favorite thiiiiings!

Yes, we might be Sound Of Music lovers looking for a reason to craft an indulgent Nashville version of My Favorite Things, but here’s the deal y’all:

We’re all about loving on our city. Nashville is filled with amazing people, causes, products, businesses, and stories. We do our best to show you all the wonderful Music City things that are relevant to your interests through Wannado! After you find something great, you probably want to shout it from the rooftops, right? Well, we wanna give you a megaphone for those declarations of local love.

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You might have seen our feature “Friday Favorites” highlighting local Nashvillians and what they’re particularly diggin’ at the moment. From coffee soda to pool halls to Podcamps, these locals have given us an in-depth lowdown on all the local gems you might not have heard about yet. (If you wanna check it out firsthand, here are some examples:)



We want YOU to contribute. Yes, you. We have an email set up (HELLO@WANNADOLOCAL.COM) and a rollin’ deadline, so drop us 3-4 lines about YOUR #FridayFavorite, what you do, and your picture. You could be featured alongside other Notable Nashvillians in our blog. Whoop!

So shoot us an email with your Friday Favorite and share the love, love. We’re pumped to hear about all you think Nashville has to offer! And to get some ideas, download Wannado. Adventures await!

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