Wanna do good?
Here at Wannado we believe that a strong sense of community can be found through serving those around us. We have found a truly outstanding partner organization that puts these words into action…so have you met our partner, Hands On Nashville?
missing or outdated ad configHands On Nashville was founded in Nashville in 1991 by Hal Cato as a part of the nationwide Hands On Network. Under the leadership of CEO Brian Williams, Hands On Nashville is a part of one of largest volunteer resource centers in the world, providing a wide array of weekly opportunities.
Like to garden? Come to Open Garden Time with The Nashville Food Project and help provide organic produce for meal programs! Got a creative side and are good with kids? Serve at Tuesdays for Tots, helping children ages 3-5 from the Nashville community on art projects! Feel like you don’t have time to serve because you work all day? Come to some of the after hours serving opportunities, like the 6:00PM food bag assembly for people living with HIV/AIDS. There really is something for everyone! To find opportunities, check out the Hands On Nashville feed under “Organizations & Guides” in the Wannado app!

So if you wanna do good: Be the change. Volunteer. And don’t forget the truth that the organization was founded on: Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.
We’ll see you at HON Day 2013!
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This is really very interesting. I would love to talk to you about this Brian. Please drop me a line if you are interested in speaking. annmarie@thinkdogood.com.