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HomeWellness10 Upcoming Programs at St. Clair Senior Center in June

10 Upcoming Programs at St. Clair Senior Center in June


There’s a wealth of amazing programs at the St. Clair Senior Center this month. While they still have their regular quilting, knitting, crocheting, singing, and other regular classes, there is also a host of informative and entertaining events as well. Here’s 10 upcoming programs at the St. Clair Senior Center during the month of June.

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1. Blood Pressure Clinic

Monday, June 10, 2019, 9:30-11:30am, S103B

Did you know high blood pressure is called a “silent killer” because it often has no symptoms and goes undetected in a high percentage of people? Now on the second and fourth Mondays each month, get your blood pressure checked by volunteers and ask them about getting a card to keep track of your BP readings (great to take to your doctor).

2. In the Garden: Perennial Flowers

Monday, June 10, 2019, 10-11:30 am Room S104

Want to learn which perennials grow well in Middle Tennessee? This class will give info on native plants and non-native species. There will be some information on propagation, site selection, water and sun requirements, and edible species in the flower beds. Come and find out how to make this happen with Master Gardener Carol Reese. Please sign up so we have enough handouts.

3. International Folkfest Dancers at St. Clair

Tuesday, June 11, 2019, 9:45-11am, S105

International Folkloric Society is bringing the opportunity to see the beautiful international folkfest dancers to the St. Clair Senior Center. It’s sure to be a beautiful show. Be sure to sign up for this wonderful event by June 10.

4. 8-Ball Pool Tournament

Wednesday, June 12, 2019, 9-12 am, R501

Come see how your talent measures up in our monthly pool tournament! Be sure to register before the deadline at 8:45 am the morning of the event. Everyone is welcome!

5. Diabetes Education

Wednesday, June 12, 2019, 10-11 am, Room E303

This class is for people with Type 2 diabetes (T2) or those who are at risk for T2. It is a prevention class/support group, teaching how to prevent T2 diabetes and/or how to prevent the complications of T2 diabetes. Please sign up only if you are committed to coming regularly. Discussions include nutrition, mental and physical health and healthy cooking demos.

6. Dating After 60: Value & Attachment

Thursday, June 13, 2019, 10-11am, Room S104

Are you wanting to get back into dating, but worry about what to expect or how to get started? This is a class meant to talk about the experience of dating after 60 and how to create meaningful relationships that include valuing the other person and finding ways to stay attached with them.

7. Lunch & Learn: The Latest Orthopedic Treatments

Thursday, June 13, 2019, 11-12:30, Room S104

Dr. Robert Otto, one of the highest rated orthopedic surgeons in the area, will talk about options for joint pain and problems, including the latest techniques and procedures for replacement. Lunch will be served. Sign up by June 7. Seating limited to 50.

8. Introduction to the Guitar

Friday, June 14, 2019, 10-11 am, Room E304

This class will teach participants to play and understand basic chords and songs for immediate enjoyment! Bring your guitar. This class is taught by Jane McNulty. Pay instructor first day of class by cash or check. Call the center to make your reservation. Limited to 12 students.

9. Coffee, Money & Questions with Shaneesa

Tuesday, June 18, 2019, 8:30-9:30am, Room E303

Are you concerned about the current market conditions and how political, economic & cultural forces are shaping our markets? Let’s talk about how this affects you as an investor. Grab a cup, bring your questions and chat with Shaneesa Freshour, our guest from Edward Jones. This program meets every third Tuesday of the month. No sign up required.

10. Art with Vivian: Wine & Cheese Still Life

Wednesday, June 19, 2019, 8:45-12pm, Room R406

Travel back to a classic time with an Americana feel on a custom cut 10 ¾” H x 13 ¾’ W wooden canvas. Fees collected at 8:45 am. Cash, checks, or credit cards accepted by the instructor, Vivian Karros. Must preregister by calling the center at 615-848-2550 by June 17. Class is limited to 12 students.

If you have questions about any of these events or would like to reserve a spot for an event, call the center at at 615-848-2550.

The St. Clair Senior Center is located at 325 St Clair St, Murfreesboro. The center is open weekdays 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Saturdays 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and for special events.

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